
Webinar on Standards of Product Circularity Data Exchange among APEC Economies (Summary Report)
DSBP, in partnership with the China National Institute of Standardization, has been commissioned by the forum of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to organize a two-day hybrid webinar focused on standards for product circularity data exchange among APEC economies.
Held in December 2023, this event was preceded by an expert survey aimed at comprehensively understanding the current landscape of standardization and the circular economy. The event convened leading international experts in standardization and circular economy to discuss innovative solutions for sustainability and efficient data sharing processes, advancing global commerce towards a circular and environmentally conscious future.
The experts delivered keynote speeches, followed by lively panel discussions where participants actively engaged. These discussions led to the formulation of a comprehensive set of recommendations, detailed in this report.

A new foundation established, continual efforts on promoting green City / Sites development
While Europe is in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis and most people are working from home, it did not stop a group of entrepreneurs to plan and prepare for their future activities when the situation settles. Dutch Sino Business Promotions together with Nautilus Eco-Solutions and Hanging Water Tank recently initiated the European Green Cities Development Foundation, which is a platform that aims at sharing knowledge, promoting best practices, facilitating researches and knowledge exchanges, and collaborating with partners to provide design and solutions that contribute to sustainable urban development.
The basis of the foundation is that Nature-based solutions (NbS) can play an important role in relieving pressures on the environment that urban development causes.

Reactie op de China notitie van het kabinet
Op 15 mei verscheen de langverwachte China-strategie van het Kabinet, omgedoopt tot ‘Beleidsnota China’. Oppositie en zelfs coalitie zijn kritisch over de nota, veel Kamerleden missen concrete, substantiële voorstellen. De nota wordt ‘slap en vaag’ genoemd (Trouw, 15 mei ’19).
Is de kritiek terecht?
Nee, het stuk zit verrassend goed in elkaar, een gebalanceerde en genuanceerde analyse met wel degelijk een paar concrete maatregelen.

The “Black and Odorous Water“ problem in China
Currently, China’s society is witnessing and involved in an unprecedented national-scale program to improve domestic water quality: resolving the “Black and Odorous Water” problem.
The phrase “Black and Odorous Water” in fact started to catch the public’s attention in April 2015, when the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the People’s Republic of China released the “Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution” (commonly called the “Ten Water Rules”). Afterwards, a series of policy documents were launched to help enforce the goal to largely improve the water environment quality.
What they are and how this creates opportunities for Dutch companies can be found in this DSBP report on Black and Odorous Water.

DSBP’s WeChat proposal to foreign companies wanting to promote their business in China
WeChat is China’s #1 messaging app with more than 1 billion active users. If you are looking into promoting your business in China, WeChat promotional services are a must have!
Through our Chinese office in Shanghai we have created a specialized WeChat service for foreign businesses to promote their services and/or products online in China.
If you want your business to grow in China, please read our WeChat service proposal carefully and get in contact with our specialists!

China’s environmental policies offer opportunities for sustainable technology companies
A global trend is that population tend to move to metropolitan areas. China’s economic boom has gone hand in hand with urbanization and currently 25 of the world’s largest 100 cities are located in China.
This fast economic development leads to enormous environmental challenges. In China the importance of facing the country’s challenges has been recognized now for some years. Most of all Chinese authorities realize that social stability and a healthy environment are interconnected, and need to be addressed from the early stages of industrial, agricultural and urban development. At the same time the Chinese approach stills lacks sophistication, and is often geared towards specific problem solving, and not to integrated solutions as offered by Dutch consortia.
The Dutch government, companies, and knowledge institutes are well known for their integrated solutions to address several problem areas, such as environmental challenges. Recently we have more and more positive experiences that Chinese central/local government and Chinese entrepreneurs are really willing to pay for Dutch products/ solutions, which could improve their living standard.
With this intention, we form this consortium to bring the concept “integrated solution on sustainable urban development” to the Chinese market. This PIB aims to change the Chinese bias from specific / ad hoc problem solving towards a long term, sustainable and integrated environmental solutions. Cluster members are in the position to provide an authentic combination of expertise.
DSBP is the consortium coordinator for this PIB.

Setting up a local office in China; how to register a WFOE (wholly foreign owned enterprise)
China: the country of golden business opportunities
Some people might say that economic growth declined which resulted in less business, however facts illustrate the opposite. Due to among other things the Chinese government’s latest 10th Five Year Plan, and the establishment, support of Free Economic Trade Zones, and the government’s support of foreign technologies, opportunities arise in China for foreign companies. There are several ways to encounter with China in order to do business. If you however, want to truly dive in and grasp all opportunities to the fullest, it might be convenient to invest in a local establishment.
There are two ways to invest in China: legal and non-legal entities. The first category involves Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises (WFOE), Equity Joint Ventures (EJV), Cooperative Joint Ventures (CJV) and Joint stock Companies (JSC). The latter one includes representative offices, branches and CJVs.

How can Dutch expertise help build China’s new Billion dollar Special Economic Zone
The Chinese Central Government has established several special zones since Deng Xiaoping in order to experiment with free-market oriented policies and to promote private and foreign investments. One of the main reasons for establishing this New Area is to broaden institutional reform, to promote, and focus on more environmentally friendly green cities in line with China’s 13th Five Year Plan. The establishment of this new area- with a focus on sustainability- could be a great opportunity for the Netherlands and Dutch expertise in the area of urban planning, water management and – midterm – high-tech agriculture, since 85% of the Baiyangdian Lake is located in this area. The Chinese government pays extra attention to water usage, focusing on sustainable development, and searching for new ways to create smart cities.

Province of Zuid-Holland report for the Chinese market
Dutch Sino Business Promotions has co-created this report together with the province of Zuid-Holland to inform Chinese visitors on historical, cultural, touristic and business opportunities.
DSBP has provided the translation work for this publication.

Copyright Infringement and Technology Theft in the Chinese Market
As a business developer at Dutch Sino Business Promotions I reach out to prospective clients in the Netherlands about opportunities in China daily. This week I received an interesting reply from the CEO of a successful SME. It was a short and blunt message declining our proposal ending with the following parting words: “…and all the Chinese do is copy stuff!”. Needless to say, we did not end up partnering with the company or even initiating a constructive correspondence.

10 Reasons West-Holland is the Horticulture hotspot
Dutch Sino Business Promotions co-created this report on the Horticulture sector in West-Holland in co-operation with InnovationQuarter, to inform Chinese businesses in Agri- and Horticulture about developments in the sector and opportunities in The Netherlands.
DSBP has provided the translation work for this publication